Closing Logo Group

Deep Dive into the WB!
Don't be scramblin', jump back and take a ride into Amblin'!
RAWR! How about a meeting face to face with "Splat"?
Uh, huh huh. Mount....

Deep Dive into the WB!

Don't be scramblin', jump back and take a ride into Amblin'!

RAWR! How about a meeting face to face with "Splat"?

Uh, huh huh. Mount....

Deep Dive into the WB!
Don't be scramblin', jump back and take a ride into Amblin'!
RAWR! How about a meeting face to face with "Splat"?
Uh, huh huh. Mount....

Welcome to the Closing Logo Group

Hello. Welcome to the ORIGINAL forum dedicated to the ultimate artform of the entertainment industry -- the production company logo!

To become a member, please be sure you meet the required specifications. Those who are currently CLG members are free to share their opinions on any/all discussions posted at the original group. Here, you may post messages in regards to Closing Logos and related topics. If you would like to explore more about logos in general, visit our companion wiki Logopedia!

What is a logo, you ask? It is those familiar IDs for the many film and TV studios that bring us our favorite movies and TV shows. Names like Warner Bros., Columbia, Paramount, Disney, MGM, Universal, and much, much more!

This is the main forum where patrons will come for various discussions, voice their opinions, and even express themselves creatively on the subject. Please note that the moderators of this forum take no responsibility for the actions of our members.

Logo Sections


Go to clgwikilive to watch CLG Wiki Live, a service of graphic design preservation and diffusion.

Go to playgroundclg on Livestream to watch Playground CLG, where you can watch full length LSNs from prestigious creators from the CLG scene (currently under testing).

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